Not Currently Updated

I started documenting stock spam in October 2005, but in November 2005, the quantity of stock spam became so large that I put it on hold. In mid-May 2006 I decided to take it up again on a trial basis, limiting reports to one per day per stock, but I gave up again in mid-June 2006 as the workload was still excessive relative to the importance of the issue. Others continued to do a fine job of it -- see the links at left -- but according to statistics from spamnation, the problem peaked in 2007 and dropped off abruptly in 2008, becoming a mere trickle in 2009/10. I'm leaving this blog online as a historical reference, but I have no further plans to update it, and I've disabled comments because nobody has tried to post anything but spam comments here in a long time.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Hollywood Intermediate, Inc. (HYWI)

Date: Wen, 31 May 2006 22:47:07 +0600
Subject: overwhelmingly important information "HYWI.P K" Hottest new offer

Hottest booming stockks analyzed and recommended

Get HYWI.PK First Thing Tomorrow, This stcok Going To Explode!

Check out for Hot News!

Hollywood Intermediate, Inc.

Symbol: HYWI.PK

Current price: 1.30$ and Should be at 2.00-2.10 on Wednesday

Don't forget to buy and earn on this sotck!

Insider information covering booming sttock markets

Read great new on this sotck

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