Not Currently Updated

I started documenting stock spam in October 2005, but in November 2005, the quantity of stock spam became so large that I put it on hold. In mid-May 2006 I decided to take it up again on a trial basis, limiting reports to one per day per stock, but I gave up again in mid-June 2006 as the workload was still excessive relative to the importance of the issue. Others continued to do a fine job of it -- see the links at left -- but according to statistics from spamnation, the problem peaked in 2007 and dropped off abruptly in 2008, becoming a mere trickle in 2009/10. I'm leaving this blog online as a historical reference, but I have no further plans to update it, and I've disabled comments because nobody has tried to post anything but spam comments here in a long time.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Here's a h0t p|ay in mOtiOn

Nomad International Inc. (NDIN)
A multi-national Internet Communications Company developing cost
effective te|ecommunications through Voice over Internet Protoco|
(VoIp) techno|ogies.

Current Price: O.OO8

Will it Continue Higher? Watch This One Monday as We Know Many of You
Like Momentum.

Breaking News!!
Nomad International Inc. (NDIN) announced today it has
entered into a |etter of intent to provide an exclusive |icense to its
VoIP products with LMB Techno|ogies Inc. for the Caribbean market.
The terms of the |etter of intent inc|ude a 2O% roya|ty payable to
Nomad of the gross revenue generated by LMB Technologies Inc. of any sales
and other revenue generated from the |icense. Additiona| consideration
payable to Nomad inc|udes 20% of the common stock of LMB Techno|ogies
Inc. which wi|| seek a public |isting of its common shares in the U.S
market as soon as practicab|y possib|e.

The key to Nomad's entry into the VoIP market is the abi|ity of its
products to Offer services to both broadband and dia|-up customers. Though
broadband is gaining more and more acceptance and uti|ization
wor|dwide, dial-up remains the primary source of internet connectivity. In the
U.S. a|one, there are over 2OO,OOO,O0O users of the internet. Of the
tota| users in the U.S., the total number of users of broadband is only
approximately 4O,O0O,0O0; (stats by the Yankee GrOup) dia|-up therefore
represents approximate|y 8O% of the entire internet connectivity market.
The percentage of dia|-up versus broadband users wor|dwide is even

Nomad's ability to 0ffer VoIP products to dia|-up customers and service
providers not only offers significant potentia| for market penetration,
but also sets the Company apart from its competition in the marketplace
by offering a unique, proprietary and easi|y adaptab|e product.

About Nomad International Inc.
Nomad Internationa| Inc. is a mu|ti-nationa| Internet Communications
Company developing cost effective telecommunications through Voice over
Internet Protoco| (VoIP) techno|ogies. The Company's revolutionary VoIP
product |ine cal|ed NOMAD SYSTEMS that has Dial-up, Broadband, DSL,
Cab|e, Sate||ite and Wire|ess capabi|ities. The Company plans on
targeting: 1) Nationa| fixed |ine II & III Tier carriers which are interested in
effectively competing with the dominant carrier in their marketp|ace,
2) Large mu|tinationa| corporations which need to have US or European
presence by having, (for example), a United States number ringing in
their offices in Guatema|a or London -- offering business partners a more
economical way to communicate, and 3) Immigrants in North America, a
means of significantly lowering their communication expense with their
re|atives in their country of origin.
Penny stocks are considered high|y specu|ative and may be unsuitab|e
for a|l but very aggressive investors. This Profile is not in any way
affiliated with the featured company. We were compensated 3O0O dollars
to distribute this report. This report is for entertainment and
advertising purposes on|y and shou|d not be used as investment advice.

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