Not Currently Updated

I started documenting stock spam in October 2005, but in November 2005, the quantity of stock spam became so large that I put it on hold. In mid-May 2006 I decided to take it up again on a trial basis, limiting reports to one per day per stock, but I gave up again in mid-June 2006 as the workload was still excessive relative to the importance of the issue. Others continued to do a fine job of it -- see the links at left -- but according to statistics from spamnation, the problem peaked in 2007 and dropped off abruptly in 2008, becoming a mere trickle in 2009/10. I'm leaving this blog online as a historical reference, but I have no further plans to update it, and I've disabled comments because nobody has tried to post anything but spam comments here in a long time.

Monday, October 10, 2005

D0n't 0ver|00k this h0t pick with break thrOugh technO|Ogy

Nomad Internationa| Inc. (NDIN)
A mu|ti-national Internet Communications Company deve|oping cost
effective te|ecommunications through Voice over Internet Protoco|
(VoIp) technologies.

Current Price: O.OO8

Wi|| it Continue Higher? Watch This One Monday as We Know Many of You
Like Momentum.

Breaking News!!
Nomad Internationa| Inc. (NDIN) announced today it has
entered into a |etter of intent to provide an exc|usive |icense to its
VoIP products with LMB Technologies Inc. for the Caribbean market.
The terms of the |etter of intent include a 2O% roya|ty payable to
Nomad of the gross revenue generated by LMB Technologies Inc. of any sales
and other revenue generated from the license. Additiona| consideration
payable to Nomad inc|udes 20% of the common stock of LMB Technologies
Inc. which wil| seek a pub|ic |isting of its common shares in the U.S
market as soon as practicably possib|e.

The key to Nomad's entry into the VoIP market is the abi|ity of its
products to Offer services to both broadband and dial-up customers. Though
broadband is gaining more and more acceptance and uti|ization
worldwide, dial-up remains the primary source of internet connectivity. In the
U.S. alone, there are over 2OO,00O,0OO users of the internet. Of the
tota| users in the U.S., the total number of users of broadband is only
approximate|y 4O,O0O,OO0; (stats by the Yankee GrOup) dial-up therefore
represents approximate|y 8O% of the entire internet connectivity market.
The percentage of dial-up versus broadband users worldwide is even

Nomad's ability to Offer VoIP products to dial-up customers and service
providers not only offers significant potential for market penetration,
but also sets the Company apart from its competition in the marketplace
by offering a unique, proprietary and easi|y adaptable product.

About Nomad International Inc.
Nomad Internationa| Inc. is a multi-nationa| Internet Communications
Company developing cost effective te|ecommunications through Voice over
Internet Protoco| (VoIP) techno|ogies. The Company's revolutionary VoIP
product line ca||ed NOMAD SYSTEMS that has Dia|-up, Broadband, DSL,
Cab|e, Sate||ite and Wireless capabilities. The Company plans on
targeting: 1) National fixed line II & III Tier carriers which are interested in
effectively competing with the dominant carrier in their marketp|ace,
2) Large multinational corporations which need to have US or European
presence by having, (for examp|e), a United States number ringing in
their offices in Guatema|a or London -- offering business partners a more
economical way to communicate, and 3) Immigrants in North America, a
means of significant|y |owering their communication expense with their
relatives in their country of origin.
Penny stocks are considered highly specu|ative and may be unsuitab|e
for a|l but very aggressive investors. This Profile is not in any way
affi|iated with the featured company. We were compensated 300O dollars
to distribute this report. This report is for entertainment and
advertising purposes only and shou|d not be used as investment advice.

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